Testimony of the late David Tan
Cancer and its consequence on me:
I contracted the Nasophrangel cancer sometime in January 1992. I had to undergo a series of 33 radiotherapy treatments as a result. Thus, over a period of time, because of the side effects of radiation I started to lose the use of certain part of my body functions above the neck.
It began with my loss of the sense of taste and smell.

It began with my loss of the sense of taste and smell. Then I became stone deaf. Next my mouth was reduced to an opening of only one centimeter gap between my upper and lower rows of teeth. This made eating a daily struggle as I could not open my mouth wide enough to take in the food. Furthermore, every day towards noon time I suffered great discomfort to my head region and had to take an hour’s nap to overcome the agony. I thank God for enabling man to develop pain-killers. All the time I remained certain that God had not ignored me. He must have directed the Endrocology doctor to administer Gabapentin, a drug, to relieve, a little, the awful pain to my nerves.
Walking through the valley of the shadow of death:
Then, about 13 years ago, I was diagnosed for brain nerve damage, also due to the side effect of radiotherapy. This cause the lost of my balance and needed the use of a walking-stick to support me when I walked.
I was one of the "lucky minority"
In Year 2018 I suffered 4 strokes, in succession. When I had the fourth stroke, I had to be hospitalized for seven weeks. On one occasion, I recall being attended to by four doctors, with my family members present. The doctor leading the medical team asked me, directly, if I would mind to continue (being alive) in the state of comatose.
Photo of blot in my brain.

It was one of the very low points in my life but God was “upholding me with His righteous right hand” Isa. 41:10b. After three days in the ICU, I recovered well to the surprise of the medical team and others, and I was transferred to the normal ward for the next six and a half weeks. In one of the inspection rounds, a doctor expressed to me that I was one of the “lucky minority”. I immediately replied: “My recovery was not due to ‘luck’. I am a child of God. He continues to care for me.” In 2018 September of that year I was discharged from the hospital taking with me a slight numbness to the left of my nose – the result of a blot in my brain which the Surgeon declared that surgery carried high risks. I still require the use of the wheelchair when moving around as I lost total control of my balance. But with the weekly rehabilitation and treatment my condition is improving. I know that Almighty God continues to take care of me and I have in my heart: “In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things to the counsel of His will.” Eph. 1:11. Those who believe in Christ are heirs with Christ. God is sovereign, directing all things freely according to His royal counsel.
Take courage, His love endures forever:
Our Lord has a "plan" in life for everyone, including me. So whatever trials and tribulations we are going through right now, we just need to trust our Lord as His steadfast love for us will never cease. It's has been 27 long years, to date, and throughout these difficult times, I have always sought our Lord for His comfort. I thank Him for His grace; His peace is always in me. There are times when His interventions were direct and immediate when I called out to Him. To me He is very, very close if you are conscious enough. Whatever concern you have, do commit it to Him, and He will respond to you.
Even if the situation appears to persist:
In May 2019, my dear wife, Patricia – a pillar of strength - who shared my suffering and had been nursing me, was diagnosed suffering from Terminal cancer of the liver, lung and bone. Her doctor advised Chemotherapy treatment to prolong her life for about 3 to 6 months. Here I witnessed what a painful death means. She was down to skin and bones suffering bone cancer. She would scream in pain each time she had to be lifted out of the bed for her meal & toilet needs. After the 2nd treatment, she was too weak to continue and our Lord took her home on 13 July 2019, one day before our 35th Wedding Anniversary. She was 59 years old.
I am left alone
Now, I am 64 years old and I am left alone (yet I am not alone for God is with me, upholding me with His righteous right hand) to continue living till He calls me home to be with Him. The numbness on the left of my nose and part of my face is now more intense and I am still struggling with the loss of balance. But whatever your tribulation, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, "do not look at the present that can be seen, but at the unseen which is eternal." I will take one day at a time and continue on the journey which our Lord has planned for me and His calling to reach out to fellow Believer's through the Weekly 🎼 Song & short sharing ministry.

Take courage, His love endures forever.
Updated: Dec 22, 2021