The SALT T-shirt is embellished with our unique logo to reflect our identity in four aspects:
The acronym SALT – which stands for "Senior Adult Life Transformation".
The “T” is in the sign of the cross depicting transformation of lives comes from Christ alone.
The background is the shape of a book depicting the Bible (God’s Word) that we must use to govern the SALT ministry.
The three leaf-like coloured shapes depicts the different groups of seniors that we seek to reach out – Christians and non-Christians, those who are physically weak or strong, different races and cultures. The leaves also depict the promise of God in Psalm 1:3 for those who trust in Him. Psalm 1:3 “He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.”
We strongly encourage you to buy a T-shirt and wear it whenever you join any SALT activities!