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Events are announced in the SALT-ANNOUNCEMENT WhatsApp chatgroup. Those events which are specific to the interest group are announced only in that specific interest group's WhatsApp chatgroup, for example, booking for ping pong sessions.

Deep Breathing Brisk Walking Coaching
Date : 11 March 2022 (Friday)
Time (session 1) : 8.30am to 10am
Time (session 2) : 10am to 11.30am
Venue : National Stadium Sheltered Running Track
near Gate 10
Attire: Sport attire with jogging or walking shoes
Max No. of Participants: 15 for each session
Fee: Free Will offering
Coach: David PhuahVenue
What do you expected to learn?
1. Diaphragmatic breathing and few breathing methods to relax and bring down your blood pressure.
2. Learn injury free, effortless and energy efficient brisk walking techniques.
3. Learn how to combine deep breathing with brisk walking techniques so that you can easily brisk walk long distances.
Participants should bring along 1 litre of water in back pack so that both arms are free to swing.
Submit the Registration Form by 10/3/22.
Contact David @ 97656788 for queries
Participants must sign the Letter of Declaration & Consent form.
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